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How can I get a permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) holding a residence according to 19d?As I read here (Refugee Council Lower Saxony), people holding a residence permit according to section 19d of the German Residence Act need…
My „Umverteilungsantrag“ got accepted but I do not want to move anymore – What can I do?First of all, without the „Umverteilungsantrag“ (application for the permission to move to another city/municipality) being approved, you would not have been allowed to move to another city anyway…
Do I qualify for the “Niederlassungserlaubnis” for family members of Germans?requirements for the permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) for family members of German citizensy…
Facing deportation after I gave birth to a German babyIf the immigration office is not willing to issue a residence permit according to section 28 of the German Residence…
First of all, I am afraid that you need to be prepared for a longer waiting period…
Before paying a lawyer, you and your father may want to contact a counselling office for support…
your apprenticeshhip, they may require or welcome that you are speaking Englisch at work…
By law landrasamt their not aloud to ask asylum seekers to bring passport as…
there is plenty of possibilities to learn German online. If you want to get an overview…
Thanks for answer but he is almost 3 year is outside from Germany and during this…