The question & answer community for refugee topics

Wefugees offers refugees and supporters the possibility to help themselves!
On our platform questions surrounding the topic arriving in Germany are asked, answered and found – supported by verified experts.

How does it work?

Wefugees is a moderated online forum around the topic of arriving in Germany. Here you can ask, answer and find questions free of charge at any time – supported by verified legal experts.

Click on the buttons below to see what is in for you and how it works.

Information for


We believe newly arriving people and locals, irrespective of whether they seek refuge, work voluntarily or full-time, should learn from each other. On Wefugees, you can ask all your questions! Regardless of whether you are looking for sport clubs, are surprised about the high number of dogs running around or whether you need legal advice. In this way, we want to support you in feeling more comfortable in Germany. Yet, you are not only helping Your participation does thereby not only help yourself! By sharing your experience and asking questions, you also help other people that may have arrived later in Germany and you support volunteers, who again help others. This is why we support refugees, volunteers and experts in helping each other and enable sustainable access to their knowledge. In doing so, Wefugees not only facilitates self-empowerment, it also reduces the pressure of conventional support programs through effective knowledge transfer.

Join the Wefugees Community now and get started!

refugee 1

  1. Visit our community

  • Other newly arriving people and volunteers may have already asked the same question as you. Thus, check for answers in the different categories and browse through the questions.
  • Use the search box. Enter a term of your choice – e.g. sport, Berlin. The search box will then check for questions related to this term.
refugee 2

  1. Ask questions

  • Register with your email
  • Ask a question to the community
  • Receive an answer from experts

  1. Help others

You know the problems and can help?

  • You know the problems and can help?
  • Search for the most recent questions in your favourite categories
  • Ask for more details in the comment box
    Answer questions in the answer box

Information for


We believe that personal experience is the foundation of any kind of expertise. Our community facilitates eye-to-eye information exchange, accessible to everyone willing to contribute.

  • You would like to help, but haven’t got enough time?
  • You are already helping and aware of the disadvantages of Facebook groups and Whatsapp chats?
  • You are experienced, yet you would like to receive some support from professional experts?

On Wefugees you can not only support newly arriving people, you can also ask your own questions.

Join the Wefugees Community now and get started!

volunteer 1

  1. Register

  1. Enter your email address
  2. Verify the link
  3. Choose an anonymous user name
  4. Congratulations! You are part of the community
volunteer 2

  1. Support newly arriving people by answering questions whenever and from wherever

  1. Log in
  2. Check the most recent questions or look through your favourite categories by clicking on the star
  3. If necessary, research answers online
  4. Write your answer in the answer box
  5. Rate other people’s answers and add to them

  1. Ask the community for support if you have questions of your own​

  1. Log in
  2. Check with the search box whether your question has already been asked
  3. Ask your question and use a suitable heading
  4. You will receive an email once your question has been answered

Information for


Due to the inefficient knowledge transfer in refugee support, many processes have to be repeated multiple times which often leads to overwhelmed full-time employees! Although hundreds of organisations and initiatives already work at full speed, they nonetheless have difficulties in providing access to important information for refugees and volunteers. Wefugees offers a solution to this problem! In cooperation with refugees, volunteers and aid organisations we gather collectively generated information on one platform and make real-time access to information possible.

If you are interested in cooperating with us, please don’t hesitate to contact our partner management under:

organisation 1

  1. Register

  • Ask for help from the community and support newly arriving people without much work
  • Let us use your knowledge effectively and sustainably
  • Respond to questions to your project and reach hundreds of people with your answers.
  • Use our notification system, so that you only reply to the most important questions and avoid receiving the same questions multiple times.
organisation 2

  1. Present your organisation on our platform and connect with refugees and locals

  • Your logo will appear on our platform
  • You will become a verified expert
  • You will receive your own platform for you own projects

  1. Connect with other organisations and support each other’s work

  • Develop solutions together and exchange knowledge
  • Use the platform as internal FAQ for your employees

Information for


We believe that integration is a process led by both refugees and locals. We encourage actors from different societal backgrounds to promote a shared, open and supporting society. Your company is critical for this as well.

Social engagement not only increases your employees satisfaction, it also builds and strengthens their commitment to the companiesy. Helping newcomers to start a life establish themselves in Germany by providing professional knowledge to them bears great advantages for you, too!

You may ask why? Because intercultural competence improves your company culture and attracts new employees.

So don’t wait: Do something good (for yourself)!

  • You would like to help, but haven’t got enough time?
  • You are already helping and aware of the disadvantages of Facebook groups and Whatsapp chats?
  • You are experienced, yet you would like to receive some support from professional experts?

On Wefugees you can not only support newly arriving people, you can also ask your own questions.

corporation 1

  1. Corporate volunteering in language cafés or workshops

Use our corporate volunteering services in language exchange cafés and workshops.

refugee 3

  1. Support newly arriving people by answering questions whenever and from wherever

Let us organise an information-event in your company and actively participate in workshops with refugees.

  1. You want to employ refugees? we offer intercultural training, practical experience in workshops and problem-solving with refugees in co-design workshops.

We offer intercultural, practial trainings with integrated hands-on workshops and develop custom-made solutions for your problems together with refugees in co-design-workshops.

What Wefugees offers?

  • Consulting for projects
    Organisation and coordination
  • Support for your employees
  • Documentation (also for CSR reports)


Wefugees is a non-profit organisation that funds itself, among others, through tax-deductible donations. Support us and donate: Wefugees gUG
IBAN DE39 4306 0967 1196 0074 00

About us

Information should be a human right

We believe that a society will become more inclusive once its members interact eye to eye. We believe that knowledge should not be monopolized and limited to a small number of people, but it should be gathered collectively and accessible to all.

This is why we support refugees, volunteers and experts in helping each other and enable sustainable access to their knowledge. In doing so, Wefugees not only facilitates self-empowerment, it also reduces the pressure of conventional support programs through effective knowledge transfer.

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Check our moderated community forum to see if your question is already answered there.

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These are the most relevant questions in our community at the moment

Check our moderated community forum to see if your question is already answered there.

Get Involved

We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone.

Your donation enables thousands of refugees in Germany to begin a new life. Support us, because without full-time moderator, quality management, acquisition of experts and programmers our platform does not function.

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