Our partners

See the list of our main supporters here

We believe in collaboration, working together, pooling resources and reaching as many people as possible with valuable information about the asylum procedure and living in Germany. Therefore we partner with Refugee Consulting organisations, other Newcomer Integration Projects, lawyers, and supporting Companies, who are answering questions on the platform or supporting us otherwise. If you are interested, please let us know.

You want to support a knowledge-management that lies in the hands of its most needed recipients? You want to give newcomers the power to find solutions to their biggest challenges? Contact cornelia(at)wefugees.com  to discuss collaboration opportunities.

We are always looking for new partnerships to increase the impact of on-side offers and equip our community with verified experts. If you are interested, please contact henriette(at)wefugees.com or use the button below.

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Mbeon ergänzt die klassische Migrationsberatung um eine wohnortunabhängige und niedrigschwellige Online-Beratung. Die kostenlose App bietet eine datensichere und anonyme Beratung durch erfahrene Beraterinnen und Berater. Ratsuchenden, für die eine MBE-Beratungsstelle schwer zu erreichen ist,

wird der Zugang zu einer qualifizierten Beratung somit wesentlich erleichtert. Darüber hinaus entlastet „mbeon“ die klassische Migrationsberatung: Nach einem erfolgten persönlichen Beratungsgespräch können die Beteiligten über den „mbeon“-Chat Nachfragen stellen oder Dokumente austauschen.
Über die Seite app.mbeon.de kann die App kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.
Die finanziellen Mittel zur Umsetzung des Projektes werden vom Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat (BMI) bereitgestellt. Verwaltet und betreut wird das Projekt vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF).


Kiron Open Higher Education for Refugees

Kiron is a non-profit organization that helps refugees all over the world gain access to higher education. We work with existing open online courses to provide you with the opportunity to start your Bachelor’s degree from anywhere. The Kiron study phase is blended learning divided into online and offline studies



Marcel Ruhlmann is a lawyer at the law firm Mazars in Berlin. He is advising social facilities, private companies and government-owned enterprises regarding tax issues in the field of the accommodation of refugees. He is also helping and advising a start-up concerning legal questions, that is offering

traineeships for refugees to teach them IT-coding language. wefugees: @Marcel (Rechtsanwalt)

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Since October 2015, we work on behalf of the Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen, as mobile advisers for refugees. Our aim is to provide orientation and information concerning questions about education and work. We speak dari/farsi, arabic, frensh, english and german. wefugees:

during the entire application process. The aim is to break down cultural barriers.

@BildungsberaterIn (LernLaden Neukölln)

offline: Karl-Marx-Straße 131, 12043 Berlin


Postcode Lotterie Stiftung

The German Postcode Lottery supports projects of non-profit organizations all over Germany from the fields of equal opportunities, nature and environmental protection as well as social cohesion. Since 2019, the Postcode Lottery Foundation has been supporting Wefugees with project funding.


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Start social

Since summer 2017 we are part of the startsocial scholarship, for the promotion of social, volunteer projects and organizations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the patronage of start social since 2015.

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Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration eV

The information network asylum and migration e. V. Is an association of organizations active in refugee and migration work. The common goal is to make information relevant to advisory and decision-making practice accessible. The association prepares information, materials and publicly available decisions

in the field of asylum and residence law, especially on the website www.asyl.net , in such a way that uncomplicated and low-threshold access for the persons and institutions involved in asylum and residence law procedures is guaranteed will. The information network also operates the information platform www.fluechtlingshelfer.info, which collects useful knowledge for the support of refugees – for volunteers, for full-time workers in refugee work and for refugees.



Jobs4Refugees is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help refugees find jobs and jobs. The overriding goal is to enable newcomers to become independent members of our society. They support refugees in applying for apprenticeships and workshops, in finding suitable job advertisements and

during the entire application process. The aim is to break down cultural barriers.

At the same time, Jobs4Refugees works with companies and suggests potential candidates for vacancies. They support employers with all their questions about the employment of refugees in order to enable a sustainable employment relationship. You are convinced that paid work is an important step on the way to successful integration.

wefugees: Franziska_jobs4refugees

offline: Friedrichstrasse 246, 10969 Berlin



Workeer is Germany’s first job board that specifically targets refugees. The platform aims to create a suitable environment in which this specific group of people is brought together with employers that think positively about hiring them. With the help of employer and employee profiles, as well as job

offerings in diverse sectors and locations within Germany, Workeer facilitates the first straightforward contact between refugees and employers. wefugees: @DavidJ (workeer) Workeer Website

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Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch e.V.

Refugees and migrants, “help them help themselves” is the motto of the “Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch e. V.”. The aid organisation, based in Munich, has been supporting refugees and migrants for almost 25 years. It is mainly devoted to people who have fallen into social hardship.

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Programm Engagement mit Perspektive

From September 2016 until September 2017, Henriette Schmidt was holder of the PEP Scholarship from PEP (Ashoka) and SAP. Since November 2016, Wefugees takes part in PEP Wirkungsschmiede program from PEP and Malteser.

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Start With A Friend

We want to support refugees arriving in Germany by bringing them together with locals. Locals can help to make a difference for them with both their experience in everyday life and their commitment.


wefugees: @FahedKhalili (Start with a friend) Start with a friend Website

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